Thursday, May 23, 2013

Truths to Live By: Divination Provides the Roadmap

Divination is meant to help us stay on track. It was given to us to guide us towards our destinies. It helps us stay focused on the bigger picture.

It is important to distinguish divination from fortunetelling. Reading fortunes attempts to predict future events. The belief is that events are predetermined. People are victims of fate.

Ifa divination is a way of reading energy flows. This allows us to be guided to the best position in life. It helps us achieve our destinies while maximizing joy, love, and harmony.

There are two types of divination in Ifa. The Life Path and the Current Readings. The Life Path reading is a look at the biggest possible context. It determines the energies that one chose before coming. We discover the Guardian Energy or Orisa, which explains how we express ourselves and how to behave so that things go as well as possible.

The Current Reading is a look at where we are in the moment. It is a snapshot of our current condition, and alignment.  It helps us understand both where, and how, to focus our energy. Over time Current Readings lead us to maximum success, and growth.

Ifa divination is performed by an initiated priest connecting to the energies of wisdom and knowledge, Orunmila, and Ela. Through this connection a person’s current state and needed course of action can be determined.

Unlike other systems, success with Ifa divination is dependent upon a partnering with the energy flow that is uncovered. This can include offerings to specific energies. It always includes using the advice we receive, and focusing on the area of our life that is most prominent.

It is up to the individual to do the work necessary to stay aligned. Ifa emphasizes personal empowerment, and responsibility. You chose your destiny. It is your job to stay on track, and get it done. No one else can do that for you.

Do find the possibility of discovering and walking down your destiny path exciting, frightening, or a bit of both. I’d love to hear how you feel.

Connect with Brian

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